Sofisticación, participación y compromiso político en América Latina


This working paper analyses the consistency of the political sophistication measurement as a predictor of both political participation and engagement with the 2016/17 Americas Barometer in 19 Latin American countries (N = 31,285). Turnout, protests participation, political efficacy, partisanship, interest, and media consumption are assessed. In order to do this, maximum likelihood logit models with Taylor linearization variance estimator and mixed-effects logistic regressions are carried out. Findings show that political sophistication is robustly significant for every dependant variable assessed with a positive effect, except for political efficacy, which presents an inverse effect

Tufte Working Papers, 2, 1-21
Bastián González-Bustamante
Bastián González-Bustamante
Post-doctoral Researcher

Post-doctoral Researcher in Computational Social Science and a lecturer in Governance and Development at the Institute of Public Administration at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs at Leiden University, Netherlands. Lecturer at the School of Public Administration at Universidad Diego Portales and Research Associate in Training Data Lab, Chile.