Los think tanks en el gabinete: una exploración del caso chileno (2006-2014)


This paper analyses the main factors that allow access to Michelle Bachelet’s cabinet (2006-2010) and Sebastián Piñera’s cabinet (2010-2014) in Chile, with focus on the influence of participation in think tanks to access the cabinet. We work with a database of 102 cases corresponding to 90 people who were appointed ministers in the mentioned period. We present a description of the group and a Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). The results find that think tank membership is a relevant factor for appointments in political and economic ministries during both governments.

Revista de Sociología, 29, 37-54
Alejandro Olivares
Alejandro Olivares
Associate Professor

Associate Professor in the Government School at the Universidad Mayor, Chile.

Bastián González-Bustamante
Bastián González-Bustamante
Post-doctoral Researcher

Post-doctoral Researcher in Computational Social Science at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs at Leiden University, Netherlands.

Javiera Meneses
Javiera Meneses
Research Assistant

Research Assistant in the Institute of Public Affairs at the Universidad de Chile.

Matías Rodríguez
Matías Rodríguez
Research Assistant

Research Assistant in the Institute of Public Affairs at the Universidad de Chile.