
Chilean Political Science Impact Ranking

This project remains active, however, it was transferred to the Training Data Lab site in June 2023.

This ranking is presented from the highest to the lowest H-Index. The number of cites has been used as a second criterion in case of a tie in H-Index.

It has been elaborated according to the following sampling criteria. First of all, all the paper-givers with a Chilean academic affiliation in the last political science congress organised by the Chilean Association of Political Science (ACCP in Spanish) in 2018 were identified. After that, people considered was those who possed an active Google Scholar account. Subsequently, well-known researchers in the Chilean field, who also possess a Google Scholar profile, suggested by other people who were selected in the previous step, were added. Finally, authors who had added to their profile publications that are not their authorship (because of name confusion, deliberately or without realising it) were removed from the ranking.

Furthermore, a consistency index (C-Index) was calculated on March 2021 measurement. C-Index goes from zero to 100 and reflects the Google profiles' consistency in terms of authorship. Lower values are associated with greater inconsistencies, therefore, the researcher’s indicators could be biased, and his/her position might be overestimated.

The fourteenth measurement has been collected on March 3, 2023. The next one will be collected by June 2023. The data set can be downloaded from the OSF-Project (DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/C8PRA). See also the GitHub repository and the changelog.

If you like to suggest someone, please send an email to bastian.gonzalezbustamante@politics.ox.ac.uk.

This ranking is supported by Training Data Lab. I would like to thank Alejandro Olivares, Carla Cisternas, Rodrigo Cuevas and Patricio Navia for their valuable comments and contributions.